Please find a map of the rooms here,  an overview of Tracks and coordinators here, and find instructions how to optimally use the Conference Schedule here.

  • Wednesday 9 Nov 2022
  • Thursday 10 Nov 2022
  • Friday 11 Nov 2022

Wednesday 9 Nov 2022

8:30 am – 1:30 pm pHResh doctoral consortium

PhD workshop

Beate van der HeijdenRavelijn

Doctoral workshop for PhD students organized by pHResh

Wed 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
50 max
Building: Ravelijn, Room: RA 1501

11:30 am – 1:30 pm Conference registration

Conference Registration

Waaier main entrance

The Conference Registration starts at 11:30 – you will receive your nametags and other important materials. There is a limited number of bus tickets available to travel to the conference dinner location on Thursday. Afterward registering you can get your lunch package in the Waaier Foyer.

Click to open Google Maps location.

Wed 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Building: Waaier

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch Wednesday

Lunch Wednesday

Waaier Ring & Foyer

Lunch packages will be served at the Waaier Ring + Foyer.

Click to open Google Maps location.

Wed 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Building: Waaier

1:45 pm – 2:00 pm Welcome to the conference

Conference Opening

Waaier 1

Opening by Professor Tanya Bondarouk – Chair of the Dutch HRM Network and Dean of the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS) at the University of Twente.

Click to open Google Maps location.

Wed 1:45 pm – 2:00 pm
Building: Waaier, Plenary Session

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm Key-note by Fang Lee Cooke

Key-note by Fang Lee Cooke

Fang Lee CookeWaaier 1

Fang Lee Cooke (PhD, University of Manchester, UK) is Distinguished Professor of Human Resource Management (HRM) and Asia Studies at Monash Business School, Monash University, Australia.
Wed 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm
250 max
Building: Waaier, Plenary Session, Room: Waaier 1

3:15 pm – 3:45 pm Coffee break 1

Waaier Ring + Foyer

3:45 pm – 5:45 pm Parallel Session I

Career Shock


Brokerhof, Darouei, Caniëls & Yerlikaya Career shock narratives during COVID-19: How the self-employed reconstruct their future work selves
Schulze Schleithoff, Lysova, Khapova & Korotov Finding the beauty in wrong decisions: Exploring individual’s sensemaking of their wrong career decisions
Sulbout & Keegan Understanding Belgian Project Managers’ Career Shocks: A Qualitative Study  

Wed 3:45 pm – 5:45 pm
Track 05: Individual, contextual, and temporal influences on resilience as a foundation for career sustainability
Building: Carré

Contextual Careers


Abraham & Verbruggen How career and nonwork goal progress affect dual earners’ well-being: A whole-life perspective
Antonio & Chiesa Exploring young people’s resources to enhance resilience in early careers
De Prins, Stuer, & Chaillet Shift versus office work: Living apart together
Frie, Van der Heijden, Korzilius & Sjoer Understanding the resilience of experts: The development of a valid and reliable measurement instrument for flexpertise

Wed 3:45 pm – 5:45 pm
Track 05: Individual, contextual, and temporal influences on resilience as a foundation for career sustainability
Building: Carré

Decent Workspaces


Scholz, Williams, Williams & Khan The implications of AI-enabled recruitment and selection for disabled jobseekers
Haenraets, Van Berkel & Van Harten Understanding the workplace inclusion of people with disabilities in small and medium sized enterprises in the Netherlands: A case study approach
Van Os, Van Harten & Van Berkel Employers’ perspective on workplace inclusion of PwD: HRM challenges and support needs
Schrijver The influence of the regional ecosystem on the employability of freelancers  
Jie, Breukel, Van Dijk & Freese Towards a holistic view on mundane workplace behaviors as a barrier to creating inclusive organisations

Wed 3:45 pm – 5:45 pm
Track 10: Advancing HRM by creating decent work for forgotten workers
Building: Carré

Workplace Interventions


Van der Kruijssen. Van Woerkom, Kooij & Van Veldhoven Why one day is online the other in terms of workload, energy, and need for recovery: The role of strength and interests crafting
Botke & Van Woerkom The effect of a self-leadership training on detached concern and the proactivity of human service professionals
Van Waeyenberg, De Winne, Brebels & Marescaux Can I-deals engage employees by alleviating job insecurity and over qualification concerns?
Van der Kruijssen, Van Veldhoven, Van Woerkom & Kooi The dynamics of energetic resources and job crafting behaviour
Schouteten & Den Ouden Testing the effectiveness of a workload intervention in academia

Wed 3:45 pm – 5:45 pm
Track 13: Crafting resilient workers: The role of workplace interventions

Agile Work


Steegh, Van de Voorde & Paauwe The agile ways of working and team adaptive performance: a goal setting perspective
Kabalina, Mondrus & Reshetnikova The role of flexibility-oriented HRM practices in maintaining organization resilience during COVID-19 pandemic
Sapegina & Solbach Target-independent pay & team learning behavior: A longitudinal latent growth model
Lei & Brandl Platforms’ agility: Designing a various HRM system by balancing multiple logistics  

Wed 3:45 pm – 5:45 pm
Track 20: Strategic HRM And Organizational Agility in Uncertain Times
Building: Carré

Implications of Algorithmic Management for HR Professionals

Hal B 2A

Rapp A machine learning approach to investigate antecedents of HR analytics in organizations
Diefenhardt, Rapp & Mayrhofer Beyond the hype: The effect of institutional arrangements on the diffusion of HR analytics in the Dach region
Tham, Holland, Thynne & Viecell Using smart technology to manage frontline health staff wellbeing and resilience

Wed 3:45 pm – 5:45 pm
Track 02: HRM, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
Building: Hal B

Labour Market Discrimination


O’Sullivan, Duvvury, Murphy & Walsh Work, caring and COVID-19: Another blow for gender equality
Kerti, Kroon, Blijenbergh, Freese & Van Engen Established while outsiders: Exploring Central and Eastern European migrant workers’ labour market position in low skilled sectors during Covid-19
Guerci and Panichella Addressing social inequalities – Implications for HRM practice, education, and research
Meier Barthold & Biemann Does a women’s quota trickle down to employees? An analysis of workforce perceptions and reactions

Wed 3:45 pm – 5:45 pm
Track 09: Labor Market Discrimination and Inequalities Before and After the Pandemic
Building: Carré

Thursday 10 Nov 2022

8:30 am – 9:00 am Coffee and Continued Registration

Coffee and continued registration

Atrium, Ravelijn

Coffee will be served for all conference participants.

Also, the conference registration continues Thursday morning in the Ravelijn building. For those who have not registered on Wednesday, you will receive your nametags and important conference materials.

Click to open Google Maps location.

Thu 8:30 am – 9:00 am
Building: Ravelijn

9:00 am – 11:00 am Parallel Session II

Imagining the (Distant) Future of Work

RA 2504

Wolffgramm & Corporaal What Operators Need to Design Their Human-Cobot Collaboration: An Experiment on Decision Latitude and Educational Background
Habraken, Berx, Dessers & Pintelon The impact of cobots on work design (over time)
Fuchs and Reichel Effects of digital communication on organizational structure
Diaz-Fernandez, Rivera-Prieto & Lopez-Cabrales HR competencies: The link between digital transformation and social sustainability
Harrison, McKinlay & Procter The role of employee voice in shaping resilient work futures: A qualitative study of trade union perspectives and worker representation in technological and workplace change

Thu 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Track 01: Imagining the (distant) future of work
Building: Ravelijn

AI-Enabled Jobs

RA 2503

Renkema, Drost & Bondarouk A conceptual framework of knowledge workers’ experiences in collaborating with artificial intelligence: Implications for work design
Scholz, Sahakin, Bauwens, Van der Kruijssen, Renkema, De Vries, Wouters & Peeters-Schaap Facilitating successful implementation of daily artificial intelligence-enabled healthcare delivery in a Dutch hospital
Liu & Wang Integrating TAM and JDR models to explore workers’ work attitudes after the use of an AI-enabled assistance system
Charlwood, Spilsbury, Valizade & Winton Schreuders How can HR analytics inform organisational resilience? Evidence from the care homes sector

Thu 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Track 02: HRM, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
Building: Ravelijn

HRM & Public Sector Performance


Ingaggiati How paradoxical HRM can foster resilience in public sector
Salas-Vallina, Swart, Rofcanin & Rodríguez-Sánchez How resilience enables knowledge transfer in public healthcare: The role of HRM and strategic leadership during the pandemic
Gile, Van de Klundert & Buljac-Samardzik Evidence on strategic human resource management and performance in public hospitals
Knies, Leisink & Penning de Vries How are strategic alignment and implementation of HRM policy related in affecting organizational performance? An exploratory study of schools

Thu 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Track 04: HRM and resilience in the public sector
Building: Carré

Career Development


Clercx, De Vos & Jacobs Exploration of different pathways that arise from a desire to make a career change: a longitudinal qualitative study
D’ Huyvetter & Verbruggen The relationship between job embeddedness, social norms and career inaction: Exploring the mediating role of inertial forces
Kuypers & Trotta The role of cultural intelligence in fostering individuals’ career development
Schneider The role of conventions in enabling career crafting in a high-skill mediated labour market: The case of an engineering service provider

Thu 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Track 05: Individual, contextual, and temporal influences on resilience as a foundation for career sustainability
Building: Carré

Employee Engagement and Well-Being

RA 2502

Akgul, De Winne, Van den Broeck, Baillien, Godderis, De Feyterl The relationship between job design and firm performance: The mediating role of aggregate engagement and burn-out
Bailey, Kooij, de Reuver, Kupper Personal and work-related factors in workplace stress and physical health outcomes: A scoping review
Clauss, García Carbonell & Martín Alcázar Perceptions of HRM practices and employee well-being: Examining the role of employees’ personality traits
Stirpe & Revilla The challenge of keeping employees engaged: Exploring the benefits of tenure-differentiated high-performance work systems

Thu 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Track 07: The role of HRM in creating meaningfulness and resilience at work
Building: Ravelijn

Vulnerable Workers


Kersten, Van Woerkom, Geuskens & Blonk The role of HRM practices in the labour market inclusion of vulnerable workers: A longitudinal study among Dutch employers
Baeken, Forrier & De Cuyper Experiences of job seekers with a disability in specialized job counselling: embodiment in the labor market
Innocenti, Profili & Sammarra Engaging chronically ill employees at work. The relationship between HRM bundles, perceived illness discrimination and work engagement
Lamers, Jansen, Meijerink & Boon Algorithm-enabled platform work for vulnerable workers: Fostering the human touch

Thu 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Track 10: Advancing HRM by creating decent work for forgotten workers
Building: Carré

Working from Home

RA 2501

Solms, Van den Heuvel, Nevicka & Homan The role of internal and external interruptions and time and boundary management strategies for well-being and performance during working-from-home
Van den Brand, Nikolova & Caniëls How professional isolation impairs employee well-being through the decline of positive affect: the moderating role of self-efficacy
Smidt Followship behaviours in the context of working from home
Van der Meer Home office and subjective well-being in times of crisis

Thu 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Track 11: Resilience while working from home: what can HRM learn from COVID-19?
Building: Ravelijn

Job Crafting


Janssen, Audenaert, Van der Heijden & Akkermans A self-determination perspective on the relationship between servant leadership and job crafting: The mediating role of psychological need satisfaction
Gils, Audenaert, Patient & Decramer How teachers’ demanding working conditions relate to emotional exhaustion through work engagement: The moderating role of school principal’s work pressure
Raets, De Winne, Dries & Marescaux Co-worker reactions to secrecy and transparency in the context of idiosyncratic deals: The role of supervisor-attributed I-deal communication motives
Van Strydonck, Decramer & Audenaert Putting the leader central in performance management: How a leader’s learning goal orientation is positively related to the provision of learning goals: Its impact on employees’ health, happiness and productivity

Thu 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Track 17: Unraveling the symbiotic relationship in People Management: how do leadership behaviors and HR practices combine in affecting employees?
Building: Carré

11:00 am – 11:30 am Coffee break 2

Location: Ravelijn Atrium

11:30 am – 12:30 pm Parallel Session III

Gig Workers and Algorithmic Management

RA 2503

Liu, De Winne, De Cooman, Patuelli, & Lattanzi Job engagement among knowledge gig workers: A perspective from social exchange theory
Tillmann & Koene Gig work and its impacts on existing HR processes, stakeholder responsibilities and the role of HRM

Thu 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Track 02: HRM, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
Building: Ravelijn

HRM Outcomes


Tham, Alfes, Mey & Ritz The impact of team-oriented AMO HRM practices on work overload and emotional exhaustion: The role of structure provided by leader
Muylaert, Decramer & Audenaert Linking red tape to teachers’ affective commitment: A serial mediation model

Thu 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Track 04: HRM and resilience in the public sector
Building: Carré

Recruitment Inequalities

RA 2502

Jing & Verbruggen Hiring for tomorrow or hiring for today? Investigating why and when employers avoid hiring atypical candidates
Krogn & Bredgaard Unequal? A field experiment of recruitment practice towards wheelchair users in Denmark

Thu 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Track 09: Labor Market Discrimination and Inequalities Before and After the Pandemic
Building: Ravelijn

The Future of Work

RA 2501

Van der Kruijssen, Kersten, Van Gelder & Van Veldhoven Freedom within a framework: A model for shaping the future way of working
Fastje, Van de Brake, Van der Vegt, & Essens Designing hybrid work policies through the lens of P-E fit theory

Thu 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Track 11: Resilience while working from home: what can HRM learn from COVID-19?
Building: Ravelijn

Resilient and Remote Work

RA 2504

Beijer, Knappert, Stephenson & Veli Developing resilience through inclusive leadership: What leaders do to facilitate inclusion in a remote working context
Grant & Egdell Employer perspectives on the future workplace and its readiness for young workers: A modified Delphi study
Parry & Beigi Diversity management at times of crises:
A remote worker-line manager perspective during the COVID-19 lockdown

Thu 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Track 15: The Implementation of Resilient HRM: The Role of Managers in Resilient Organizations
Building: Ravelijn

The Future of HR


Collou & Bruinsma Shaping the employee behavior needed for the digital transformation using HR
Linthorst, Peters & De Ruiter Futurize HR! How a resilient HRM function contributes to shaping the future of work

Thu 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Track 20: Strategic HRM And Organizational Agility in Uncertain Times
Building: Carré

Academic-Practice Collaboration


Kohlberger and Brandl Knowledge-production and scholar-HRM practitioner collaboration
Maertens Mind the gap! Is evidence-based HRM a one-way ticket to reduce the gap between academics and practitioners in government?

Thu 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Track 20: Strategic HRM And Organizational Agility in Uncertain Times
Building: Carré

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch Thursday

Lunch at Atrium Ravelijn

Lunch at “Atrium Ravelijn”

Atrium, Ravelijn

The lunch will take place in the Atrium of the Ravelijn building – which is the central area at the ground floor.

Click to open Google Maps location.

Thu 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Building: Ravelijn

1:45 pm – 3:45 pm Parallel Session IV

Employee Responses to Algorithmic Management

RA 2503

Bunzel, Boon, Den Hartog & Verburg Algorithms as a signal of (dis)trust? The role of attributions in algorithm-enabled control
Marescaux, Brebels, De Winne & Van der Wiel Data driven and strength-based decision making on task allocations:
A social identity perspective
Scheibmayr & Reichel Bringing the algorithmic HR manager in: Workers’ responses to AI informed algorithmic performance evaluation
Yuan & Liu Use an explainable machine learning approach to study how personality nuances predict job satisfaction

Thu 1:45 pm – 3:45 pm
Track 02: HRM, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
Building: Ravelijn



Courchesne, Stynen, Semeijn & Caniëls New ways of fostering job mobility and sustainable employability in inter-organisational networks: A qualitative, explorative study on their functioning
Kerti, Kroon, Van Engen, Freese & Bleijenbergh Migrant Workers’ Perceived Employability in the Warehouse Distribution Sector: The Importance of Resources in Navigating the Impact of Career Shocks
Pak, Renkema & Van der Kruijssen Technology and successful aging: a powerful connection or a deadly combination?
Scheers, Forrier & De Cuyper A multi-logical approach on gender norms and labour market activation of vulnerable stay-at-home mothers: A case study

Thu 1:45 pm – 3:45 pm
Track 05: Individual, contextual, and temporal influences on resilience as a foundation for career sustainability
Building: Carré

HR Analytics and Organizational Resilience

RA 3334

Zwaenepoel & Zanoni Changing governmentalities at a PES: The algorithmic activation of the (in)dividual
Bartholin, Harney & Kelliher Putting the HR person in HR analytics: A critical incident exploration
Bentvelzen, Boon & Den Hartog HRM meets information systems: Applying the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model to study individual adoption of HR analytics systems
Rigamonti, Gastaldi & Corso Measuring HR analytics maturity: Supporting the development of a roadmap for data-driven talent management

Thu 1:45 pm – 3:45 pm
Track 06: HR Analytics and organizational/workforce resilience
Building: Ravelijn

Resilience and Meaningful Work

RA 2502

Salimi & Frigotto Resilience capabilities, teamwork and firm innovation in small and medium firms
Wandycz-Mejias Employee resilience: The roles of inclusive leadership and employee motivation
Lysova & Schulze Schleithoff I know how you can help me!: Exploring workers’ view the role of others in maintaining experiences of meaningful work when those are harmed?
Van de Voorde & Van Etten Meaningfulness at work: A workload-moderated process linking training, compensation, and involvement to organizational citizenship behavior
Garmendia, Aldekoa, Elorza, Shin & Uribetxeberria Coherence is key: Development of HRM systems in cooperative companies

Thu 1:45 pm – 3:45 pm
Track 07: The role of HRM in creating meaningfulness and resilience at work
Building: Ravelijn

Work Performance in Times of COVID-19

RA 2501

Bergum How virtual management/managers can support and give feedback to individual teleworkers to improve their resilience for working at a distance
Metselaar, Klijn & Den Dulk Does leadership become more important in public organizations during COVID-19? A longitudinal analysis on the impact of servant leadership on work-life balance satisfaction and performance of Dutch public sector workers
De Kerf, De Cooman & De Gieter What makes a ‘good’ teleworker reciprocate with ‘good’ performance? Understanding the importance of having qualitative social exchange relationships amongst teleworkers
Lacroix, Van den Broeck & Baillien Just another day at work? The impact of a day in the office on telecommuters’ next day’s motivation and well-being
Mertens & Schollaert Performance feedback during a pandemic: (Social) distancing from feedback? A qualitative study

Thu 1:45 pm – 3:45 pm
Track 11: Resilience while working from home: what can HRM learn from COVID-19?
Building: Ravelijn

HRM System Strength

RA 2504

Gillard, Beijer, Khapova Understanding human resource strength for resilience: A review of its conceptualization and 0perationalization
Bednall, Sanders & Yang The influence of tightness-looseness of perceived HR strength: Results of a meta-analysis
Yang, Sanders & Van der Heijden Weak situations also matter in human resource management: Alignments between high performance work system implementation/perception and HR strength on the relationships between individual differences and employee outcomes
Hewett, Sikora, Brees & Moelijker Answerable for what? The role of accountability focus in line manager HR implementation

Thu 1:45 pm – 3:45 pm
Track 15: The Implementation of Resilient HRM: The Role of Managers in Resilient Organizations
Building: Ravelijn


RA 1501

Bos-Nehles and Wiefferink Leadership in times of COVID-19
Van Zwol, De Jong, Rusman & Van der Heijden Contextual leadership in the blue- and white-collar workplace: A systematic review
Lokke and Wunderlich The joint effect of HRM and leadership on well-being and attendance behaviour
De Boom & De Meulenaere Age-inclusive leadership and intrinsic work motivation: The moderating role of the leader-member age difference

Thu 1:45 pm – 3:45 pm
Track 17: Unraveling the symbiotic relationship in People Management: how do leadership behaviors and HR practices combine in affecting employees?
Building: Ravelijn

3:45 pm – 4:00 pm Walk-in coffee break

Walking to Agora (Vrijhof Building)

We will walk to the Vrijhof Building – click here for the route.

There will be coffee/tea served in the Agora Foyer.

Thu 3:45 pm – 4:00 pm

4:00 pm – 5:45 pm Societal Impact Inspiration

Societal Impact Inspiration Session

Agora (Vrijhof)

A session to inspire participants to create a societal impact with their research. Click here for more information about the impac

Click to open Google Maps location.

Thu 4:00 pm – 5:45 pm
Building: Vrijhof, Plenary Session

6:00 pm – 11:00 pm Conference Dinner

Conference Dinner

The Conference dinner will take place at “De Twentse Bierbrouwerij” – a brewery in Hengelo.

Special guest speaker: Mayor Roelof Bleker (Enschede)

Location and address: Haaksbergerstraat 51 – 7554 PA Hengelo (OV). *We have arranged (limited) bus transportation for the conference dinner – based on first come first serve. More information will be provided during the conference registration.

During the Conference Dinner the “Best Dissertation Award” and the “HRM Network Award” will be announced.

Click to open Google Maps location.

Thu 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Friday 11 Nov 2022

8:30 am – 9:00 am Coffee

Morning coffee before key-note


Waaier Ring

Coffee and tea will be served in the morning, before the key-note by Anne Keegan

Fri 8:30 am – 9:00 am
Building: Waaier

9:00 am – 10:15 am Key-note by Anne Keegan

Key-note by Anne Keegan

Anne KeeganWaaier 1

Anne Keegan is Full Professor of Human Resource Management (HRM) at University College Dublin, College of Business (Ireland). Her primary research interests are HRM in online labor platforms, gig work and project-based organizations
Fri 9:00 am – 10:15 am
250 max
Building: Waaier, Plenary Session

10:15 am – 10:30 am Coffee break 3

Location: Waaier Ring + Foyer

10:30 am – 12:30 pm Parallel Session V

Sustainable Careers


Martin-Ferlaino & Matthey A sustainable careers perspective on rebounding from breast cancer at the workplace
Nguyen, Akkermans, Rudolph & Khapova A meta-analysis of happiness, health, and productivity crossover from a sustainable career perspective
Bouwmans, Nguyen & Lub Systematic literature review on digital transformation skills for sustainable employment
Trotta & Kuypers Thematic structure and evolution of Carrer Sustainability over time: a bibliometric analysis
Van Helden Who achieves sustainable academic career advancement and how? Insights from longitudinal interview research

Fri 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Track 05: Individual, contextual, and temporal influences on resilience as a foundation for career sustainability
Building: Carré

Building Resilient Professionals


Solms, Van Vianen, Koen, Kan, Hoog & Pagter Physician Exhaustion and Work engagement during the covid-19 pandemic: the role of resources and support interventions
Verhoef, De Ruiter, Van Vuuren & Blomme The mediating role of workability in the relationship between emotional exhaustion depersonalisation and absence duration and frequency
Van Zijl, Vermeeren, Koster & Steijn The team that makes professionals thrive: A multilevel study of team autonomy, information elaboration, transactive memory, and team learning to understand individual thriving in primary healthcare teams
Mostafa, Zaharie, Cai & Chen Servant leadership, prosocial impact and employee job performance in the public sector: The moderating role of person-job fit

Fri 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Track 12: Building resilient professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond
Building: Carré

Line Management in Resilient Organizations


Trullen, Valverde, Morley & Hassan The assignment of HRM responsibilities to line managers: A contextually based perspective
Moritani Collaborative HRM implementation from adoption to routinization: The role of relational coordination between the HR department and line managers
Van Wijk, Borst, Vandenabeele & Boselie “I am a diplomat, not a people manager”: A quantitative multilevel analysis on line managers’ abilities, motivation and opportunities for people management
Vermeulen, Schott & Knies Is it just the messenger? A vignette experiment on different HR communicators in a public professional context

Fri 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Track 15: The Implementation of Resilient HRM: The Role of Managers in Resilient Organizations
Building: Carré

Employee Outcomes and Empowerment


Edelbroek, Coun, Peters & Blomme Fostering long term innovative work behaviour during a pandemic: The mediating role of shared leadership in the relationship between empowering and directive leadership and innovative work behaviour
Edelmann, Fransen, and Boen The power of empowerment
Tuteleers, De Winne, Wille & Schollaert The interplay between HR practices, job design and leadership in determining employees’ well-being and firm performance
Villajos & Tordera The role of ethical leadership in the relationship between sustainable HR practices and employee well-being
Ali, Decramer, Schollaert & Audenaert Performance management and teaching performance: The role of leader member exchange (LMX)

Fri 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Track 17: Unraveling the symbiotic relationship in People Management: how do leadership behaviors and HR practices combine in affecting employees?
Building: Carré

Employee Learning


Vanderplanken Networked learning on intrapreneurship among health and social care professionals to improve wellbeing and meaningfulness of work
Sijbom, Koen & Preenen Change at work as a double-edged sword: On the stimulating and burdening effects of changing job tasks on employee learning and the moderating role of supervisor support
Segers & Vangrieken The role of virtuality in team learning and knowledge sharing in teams: A systematic literature review

Fri 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Track 22: Learning, development and talent management in the societal context
Building: Carré

Talent Management and Employer Branding


Zaharie, Mostafa & Barrington TM practices, turnover intentions, and OCB in SMEs: The mediation role of perceived organizational reputation and organizational identification
Tyagi & Shukla During and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic: Examining the impact of employee’s satisfaction with their organization’s COVID-19 response on their intent to stay
Rys, Schollaert & Van Hoye Employee ambassadorship: Scale development and validation

Fri 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Track 24: Talent Management and Employer Branding
Building: Carré

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch Friday

Lunch at “The Gallery”

Restaurant & Grand Café The Gallery Enschede

Location: Hengelosestraat 500, 7521 AN Enschede, Netherlands

Click to open Google maps location.

Fri 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Parallel Session VI

Career Competencies


Dong, Akkermans & Khapova A qualitative exploration of internationally mobile students’ career competency development before the school-to-work transition
Villajos, Tordera, Pérez-Nebra & Peiró The role of HR practices and individual resilience in the development of sustainable career patterns in two different countries
Braiteh & De Vos Career Adaptability and Career shocks: Antecedents and outcomes. Longitudinal Study during the crisis in the Lebanese banking sector

Fri 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Track 05: Individual, contextual, and temporal influences on resilience as a foundation for career sustainability
Building: Carré

Flexible Employment


Vleugels & Harrison Linear vs. curvilinear relationships between person-environment fit and affective and behavioral outcomes
Sarton, Bender & Freese A pathway to a behavioral intervention to improve the outcomes of job search behavior of refugees –
Developing and testing of valid and equivalent questionnaires across countries
Haist and Kurth Low-Status Expatriates: Sensemaking and accountability at the bottom of the pyramid
Ruhle and Schmoll Chances and challenges of (not) working from home: Human resource management practices impact on virtual sickness presenteeism

Fri 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Track 10: Advancing HRM by creating decent work for forgotten workers
Building: Carré

HRM during Crisis


Bergs, Peters, Blomme & Lub Showcasing the ideal me: Resource-gains or resource-losses?
Wunderlich & Løkke Well-being in times of crisis: Learning from the crisis experience of HR managers
Bergs, Peters, Blomme & Lub Responding to identity disruptions: Social media influencers doing inter-identity work
Anagnostopoulos, Kovacevic & Siebert Organizational predictors of work-related anxiety among Greek employees: Evidence from a survey in the private and public sector

Fri 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Track 14: HRM during crisis: Building sustainable working lives in challenging times
Building: Carré

HR Function and HR Practices


Finnholm, Wallo, Allard & Tengblad How do the HR function contribute to change, innovation and conversion? An integrative review
Uribetxebarria, Garmenida & Elorza A comprehensive study of participation as resilience promotor
Mockeviciute, El Baroudi, Gorbatov, & Khapova The future of performance management:
Negative feedback as a risk to relationships or as an opportunity to improve performance

Fri 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Track 15: The Implementation of Resilient HRM: The Role of Managers in Resilient Organizations
Building: Carré



Lal, Stephenson & Oostrom Exploring the role of communality in the link between supervisor gender and women’s leadership aspirations
Suhail, Meeusen, Steen & van Beurden The joint influence of supervisor perceptions of HR practices and employee-supervisor relationship in understanding employee perceptions of HR practices and its impact on affective commitment
Carollo, Della Torre & Guerci HR work as moral dirty work: a study of cinematic representations

Fri 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Track 17: Unraveling the symbiotic relationship in People Management: how do leadership behaviors and HR practices combine in affecting employees?
Building: Carré

Team and Organizational Resilience


De Vries & Van der Vegt Coping with cutbacks: The importance of team boundary spanning
Ivanovich, De Vries, Van der Vegt & Van Donk Tackling disruption overlap: A boundary spanning configural approach
Van Rensburg, Santos & De Jong The reciprocal relationships between team learning and shared mental modes
Van den Adel, De Vries & Van Donk Improving cross-functional teams’ effectiveness during supply chain disruptions: The importance of information scouting and internal integration
Rodriguez, Procter & Perez Arrau We used to support the team, now we are part of the team: Resilience and agency in teamwork dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic

Fri 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Track 21: Team and organizational resilience – Spanning boundaries to deal with disruptions

Development of Talents


Awad, Martín-Rojas & De Feyter How HR Practices Enhance Organizational resilience: Work in progress
Berkers & Smit Growing under pressure: How governance professionals in social housing develop the competency independent judgement
Ballafkih, Post, Van Genabeek & Sanders Traveling on a Resilient Skills Based Labour Market: An Exploratory Study on the Skills Passport

Fri 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Track 22: Learning, development and talent management in the societal context
Building: Carré

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Closing session

Closing Session & Drinks

Waaier 1 & Waaier Foyer

The closing session of the Conference will again take place at the Waaier 1. During the closing session the “Best Paper Award“, sponsored by the International Journal of Human Resource Management, will be presented and the location of the next Dutch HRM Conference will be announced. After the closing, there are drinks at the Waaier Foyer.

Click to open Google Maps location.

Fri 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Building: Waaier, Plenary Session