Resilience and Meaningful Work
RA 2502
Salimi & Frigotto | Resilience capabilities, teamwork and firm innovation in small and medium firms |
Wandycz-Mejias | Employee resilience: The roles of inclusive leadership and employee motivation |
Lysova & Schulze Schleithoff | I know how you can help me!: Exploring workers’ view the role of others in maintaining experiences of meaningful work when those are harmed? |
Van de Voorde & Van Etten | Meaningfulness at work: A workload-moderated process linking training, compensation, and involvement to organizational citizenship behavior |
Garmendia, Aldekoa, Elorza, Shin & Uribetxeberria | Coherence is key: Development of HRM systems in cooperative companies |
Sun 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Track 07: The role of HRM in creating meaningfulness and resilience at work
Building: Ravelijn