Job Crafting


Janssen, Audenaert, Van der Heijden & Akkermans A self-determination perspective on the relationship between servant leadership and job crafting: The mediating role of psychological need satisfaction
Gils, Audenaert, Patient & Decramer How teachers' demanding working conditions relate to emotional exhaustion through work engagement: The moderating role of school principal's work pressure
Raets, De Winne, Dries & Marescaux Co-worker reactions to secrecy and transparency in the context of idiosyncratic deals: The role of supervisor-attributed I-deal communication motives
Van Strydonck, Decramer & Audenaert Putting the leader central in performance management: How a leader’s learning goal orientation is positively related to the provision of learning goals: Its impact on employees’ health, happiness and productivity

Tue 11:55 am - 12:00 am
Track 17: Unraveling the symbiotic relationship in People Management: how do leadership behaviors and HR practices combine in affecting employees?
Building: Carré