Mission & Vision
“Boosting the well-being and academic careers of doctoral students in the field of HR and OB throughout their doctoral journey”
With this network we would like to sustain PhDs’ doctoral journeys and reinforce their academic careers in the field of HRM and OB. A PhD journey is a highly turbulent process. Being fully focused on their project, PhDs often forget to invest in a key resource: themselves. Physical and mental well-being are crucial building blocks for PhDs to finish their PhD in a healthy manner. In addition to their well-being, PhDs have a number of important career choices to make during and right after their PhD (e.g., collaborations, scholarships, internships, postdoc). Again, the intensity of the doctoral journey might prevent PhDs from building an extensive network and have an overview of the career opportunities available. We want to achieve this by connecting academics in their early career stages. We believe that by connecting PhD candidates they can inspire and stimulate each other as they face struggles, challenges and go through phases that require personal development.
“pHResh helps PhDs to unwind, network, and broaden their horizon to stimulate PhDs’ well-being and increase their academic career opportunities”
To build sustainable PhD journeys and academic careers, we focus on two areas. On the one hand, we focus on the period as PhD candidate to help students getting the best out of this period and out of themselves. In this part of their career, it is important to have connections with others in a similar position to learn, support, and help each other. On the other hand, we focus on building skills, connections, and extend knowledge to prepare PhD-candidates for their academic career after their PhD. We believe that boosting PhD journeys and academic careers of doctoral students will only be beneficial in the long run if we focus on sustainable careers by taking into account their health and well-being.