Between the 9th and 11th of November of this year the 12th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network will take place at the University of Twente. In the end of last year the Call for Abstracts was published on our website. From today on it is possible to submit your abstract(s) for the Conference.
The theme of the Conference is “HRM for Resilient Societies: A Call for Actionable Knowledge” and we are glad to announce 25 different tracks. The call for abstracts includes a short overview of these 25 different tracks and can be downloaded here.
You can directly submit your abstract using this link, or you can find the links on our Conference page. The decision about selected abstract will follow in the end of April. We will keep you updated about information about the conference in our newsletters and on our Conference page.
We have the following submission requirements (also see Call for Abstracts):
Authors should submit extended abstracts, with the understanding that accepted submissions will be developed into a paper in time for the actual conference. All abstracts will be reviewed and if accepted (for development into full papers for presentation at the conference) will be included in a volume of collected abstracts distributed to all participants.
Submitted abstracts should not exceed 1000 words and should contain (where applicable):
- A brief and convincing description of the theoretical framework
- Research design and approach to data analysis
- Key findings and theoretical and practical implications
- Illustration of HRM-in-action for resilient societies
Please follow the format requirements:
- Report the full name of your first and second subtheme of preference as a header (upper right) on the first page of the abstract.
- Please indicate the title, authors and their affiliations on the first page of the uploaded abstract, preferably in the “Header”
- The maximum length of the abstract is 1000 words (including references; excluding title, information on the authors and their affiliations).
- Please save your document as a .pdf file.
- Please name your .pdf file as follows: “First Author_first and second subtheme of preference _Title of your abstract”. For example: Paul Jansen_Careering organizations_Evidence Based HRM_The impact of HRM on employability.pdf
NOTE: Abstracts that do not follow these formatting instructions will NOT be reviewed.
UPDATE: Abstract submission has been extended until the 15th of March